On November 11th, 2013, more than 65 International Solid State Lighting (ISA) members who were mainly leading Solid State Lighting industry players, academic experts and NGO representatives from around the world gathered in Beijing, China, to participant in the ISA 2013 General Assembly. ISA has made remarkable progresses to serve its members and the SSL industry development worldwide as well, and developed 77 members since the establishment in 2010.
This year’s general assembly has been designed to introduce and open discussion on may subjects, ranging from ISA working meeting report, report on TCS Third Meeting, report on the 2013 Cross‐talk among LED Manufacturers, Lighting Designers & Users, and report on the “White Paper on LED General Lighting and Blue Light”, Global SSL Showcase Top 100, and Global SSL Events of the Year 2012-2013, introduction of Award of Outstanding Achievement for Global SSL Development (AOA), and followed by ISA BRICS SSL Cooperation Working Meeting and TCS Fourth Meeting. Proposal for establishment of ISA Scientific Committee, proposal for ISA Industry Report and organizational matters, and preparation for ISA 2014 Working Meeting has been discussed in free flow discussions. 2.1 Report of the ISA Council of Management On behalf of the Council of Management, ISA Director Mr. Fred Quan gave a brief introduction on the ISA 5th Executive Member Meeting, reported the results of several proposals discussed and issues addressed.
The Proposal on developing ISA Industrial Report was discussed, it is important to invite ISA Members to have a full discussion on this topic and decide what they really want; The team and resources for this proposal must be sufficient and fully capable, and there must be commitment from members; The quality and accuracy of this report must be guaranteed, and it should be financially feasible. The proposal on set up an ISA Science and Technology Committee was agreed by all members. Professor Robert Karlicek, Professor Guoqi Zhang, and Professor Istvan Barsony from ISA Board of Advisors were recommended to take the leadership.
A working plan for this Committee will be completed and available for comments by the end of this year. The Proposal on set up the position of ISA Vice President was also discussed. The structure of “Vice President” in current ISA governance should clarified to avoid bureaucracy and waste of resources; “Vice President” should be responsible and initiating operational tasks assisted by the ISA Secretariat; Volunteers from our membership for these positions are welcome. The Secretariat will draft the structure and plan by the end this year.
The issue of categorizing the “Award of Outstanding Achievement for Global SSL Development (AOA)” was addressed, the name of the AOA award will remain in general terms; and the citation of the winners of AOA should be more specific on the exact field that he or she has made outstanding achievements.